Sunday, January 13, 2008

House Clothes and Sunny Attitudes

Gorgeous blogger lalaliu talked about fashion choices and confidence today on her blog, Art Geek and Fashion Freak.

Her positive attitude is a great reminder to be happy with who you are. I think i am getting better with my 'inner' confidence and my outer confidence is not the fault of Vogue or Elle - although they don't help me feel beautiful. Its more myself and looking at others, especially at a Uni with thousands of skinny supermodel types - its a sports uni primarily. Anyway, before i post some gorgeous clothes i wanted to thank her for her conscientious look at fashion, and at herself.

Today i have been fashionably dressed, wearing a rain jacket - yes a rain jacket - whilst i walked my dog with my dad and a blue tshirt with pj bottoms this afternoon. I have never been the polished girl, who looks wonderful from the minute they get up to the minute they go to sleep. I try to look good for Uni, then the minute i get home i changed into my comfy 'house' clothes. Is anyone else like this?!

So, to mimic my 'personal style' i am looking at comfy 'house' clothes! has some cute items:



Anonymous said...

I am seriously always in comfy house clothes! Nice clothes can be really uncomfortable, and since I live in a dorm, I've gotten in the habit of doing everything I can to postpone a laundry day, which includes wearing clothes for the shortest amount of time as possible...

LalaLiu said...

yay for gaining more self confidence! I am totally like that, dress up for the day to go to school and right when I come back it's oversized t-shirts and sweatpants. They say fashion can be comfortable, but nothing beats oversized tees and pjs in the comfort department :)