Sunday, December 7, 2008

3rd Rock from the Glum

Its been a busy week, well apparently. For about 2 minutes just then I sat and thought about what I had done, and it was woefully inadequate. Possibly you would like to hear about the time where I thought we were out of lemonade, then Mum said she had got cherryade and I did a little dance of happiness and made up a song (Cherryade makes me happy, happy is cherryade)

Mum is washing up, we just watched Star Wars; Phantom Menance. Well she watched and I bitched about how annoying and wrong it is. I am watching 3rd rock from the sun, my pal introduced me to it, and trying to upload some photos to show you.

On Monday I had class (dull) and a goodbye party (fun), Wednesday I had class (dull) and got lost wandering around Bayswater, clutching my phone to my ear and looking longingly into Nando's with my nose pressed against the glass. Thursday I went late-night shopping and swooned over Keith Murray over Buzzcocks. On Friday I brought a new dress and put up my
Christmas list. Saturday we had relatives over, but I didn't see them as I was getting ready for IAMX; which was AMAZING. I wish I had photos from that night, I took my camera but left it in my bag which I checked in. I was too small to get good photos thought.

Photos are in no order, as usual.

Steppin' out

Drawing in the HawleyGiggles O'Shay

On the way to the station



Me, as Alice @ Halloween.

Our special reserved Hawley table

I look like I am politely listening to a lecture.

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