Friday, November 14, 2008

This Week


This week has been good. I'm still scared of saying it, but it has.

Its been 'reading week' which is basically 'don't-do-any-work-and-feel-extreme-guilt' week. Lecturers always plan courseworks to be due after it, but we all moan and scuff our feet going, 'but we want half-term back'. I've barely started my essay, although my dissertation meeting went okay, my tutor is kinda casual, which juxtaposed with my awkwardness made for an interesting meeting with me stammering and her kicking her feet up on the desk.

I had my last counselling session, picked up the book of 'Beautiful People' and had a genuinely happy meal in McDonalds. I don't like their food but for some reason I desperately wanted chicken nuggets. Yesterday I went into London with my best pal, tried on dresses that didn't suit me in topshop and got some cute new headphones with little ends that look like smarties. Even though I am constantly in Baker Street station - wearing my dear stalker hat and smoking my pipe - I still get confused because they change the platforms and the trains don't have proper signs. I ended up feeling like a tourist and ran onto the first train and just prayed it was the right one. On the journey Russell and Matt chatted away to me and I tried not to fall asleep on the 331 home.

Today - I GOT A HAIRCUT! Yes.

I am the new Suri Cruise.

This week in some photos:

Carnaby Street, pretty huh?

Gorgeous little square off Carnaby street.

Making me feel christmassy, but its still too early.

New hair.Watched rich kid/poor kid. The rich girl was hideous.

Oxford street lights

Rainy, pretty LDN.

Saluting my bathroom-photo-taking-prowess.


Anonymous said...

Your hair looks great! I love the cut - very classic.

Anonymous said...

Love the hair cut! It's gorgeous and really suits you. Very classic :)